Thursday 19 January 2012

Fursday Thursday - Tyre versus Fur

Cool Material  which apparently finds cool trends "for men"....only men I ask, I think not...but let's not be otherwise because this is pretty damn cool and has given me all sorts of ideas for how we might cover Constance the Conquest. I admit post it notes are not going to last the 17 days but tyres - totally epic!

 Reasons to have a tyre covered car...
a) Protection - surely if covered in tyres we'd bounce if in an accident
b) Camouflage - we'd totally look like a rhino - maybe we can catch ourselves some poachers although we don't really want to do that. We could potentially run some over?
c) Warmth - that's insulation of the best sort
d) Bad-ass - it just would be.

A camera covered car would be cool too, but only if the cameras could continue to be functioning - that would be 360 degree imaging if I ever saw it!

To see all the cars click here.  Any suggestions on our car?

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