Wednesday 1 February 2012

Crew Costumes for the Conquest

Constance the Conquest (aka our trusty steed) has seen many fabulous costumes over the years - fairies, pumpkins, lambs, cacti, Sponge Bob Square Pants and still the one that wins above all, our time as KISS. So I've been racking my brains for a costume to trump them all, we need something awesome for all the photo ops!

Given that I'm not sure how often we'll manage to shower, and that in amongst tire changing, fire starting and driving 8 hours we won't have time to do that much face painting I think we may have to learn to rock "Safari Chic" - I cut a striking figure in beige. And I don't mind rocking a bit of two-tone.

Something like this perhaps?

 (image from here)

Although, apparently that's so 2009...back to the drawing board then it seems!


  1. Had my hopes pinned on rhino suits!

  2. Now, that would have been awesome. Although sitting in the car in rhino suits could be a challenge. But obviously, we like a challenge...

  3. Suggestion:

    Go ziberkah. I mean - bizerkah.

    A headscarf here. A head scarf there. A little Katherine Hepburn with a brush of the photoshop black-and-white filter. When all else fails, you can pretend to be helpless arab women and wave down a Saudi prince with a pashmina.

    Seize the moment. Seize a kohl liner. Apply heavily en route and unwrap as needed.

  4. Alternatively, when I was last at a fishing/hunting camp on the Zambezi, I watched a blond American woman walk into breakfast wearing camouflage. But it was pink.

    Pink camouflage.

    Add ostrich feathers.

    Elton John: the Lion King version.

    Go Disney or go home.

    I dare you.
