Thursday 29 September 2011

If you weren't before, you will be now...

Many of you will have read the start of this blog and wondered what sort of crazy fools (and not in the good, Mr T sort of way) we are. Why on earth would we try and tackle 7 000kms in 17 days? Who in their right minds and so on and so forth...? And indeed even we - when the initial excitement had worn off and the blonde one had found a map and used her big science brain to actually start calculating distances and warned me that we might be laughing now (we laugh in the face of danger and enormous distances don't you know) - even we started to wonder if we hadn't actually gotten ourselves into something pretty massive...and we all took a deep breath and questioned if it was in fact madness...

But then we saw this video:
Put Foot Rally 2011 from D4 Productions on Vimeo.

and while the distances are staggering (did he say 14 hours...on day I even awake for that many hours in a day....?), and the time is pretty tight, this video reminded me why we would brave something of this proportion. Did you see the views? Did you see the parties? Did you see the ridiculous costumes? Did you see how much fun everyone was having (except for when a bit of you dies at the end because you're so sad it's over...but even that doesn't sound all bad)?

We're back to being super duper excited. And admit it, you're a tiny bit jealous now aren't you...?

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