Monday 14 May 2012

Afri-Quiz Madness

So fellow adventurers, the first fundraiser kicked off this Saturday in old London Town and I think we can safely say it was a fabulous success. Five teams of friends/friends of friends - some willing, some less so, battled it out for the once in a life time opportunity to be crowned: Afri-Quiz Kings 2012. (I'm sure the medals and champers had nothing to do with luring them in!)

Our quiz contained all the necessary elements that make up a fun night of brain-testing endurance: beer, snacks, rumours of cheating, more beer, tasty home-made biscuits, animal-shaped sweeties, a bingo round, frayed tempers, jeering at fellow quizzers, jeering at the hostess, and even more beer. We gave animal-sweeties to the bingo winners, a mini bottle of bubbly for the team that amused us the most: Team Name: Agatha Quiz-Team (Cue raucous laughter) and the sorry losers went home with a great bottle of Sainsburys Basics Wine in a handy plastic bottle. Remember readers: Basics wine is for the table, not the cellar. Unless of course you're like one of the unruly Pedal Pushers....then it's for the bed while watching reruns of The OC....

And this little recap wouldn't be complete without a shout out to the brilliant venue, The Duke of York.This is my post-work local and I have spent many a boozy lunch/Friday night knees-up/midweek will-we-even-make-it-to-Friday drink there and can't recommend it enough. They allowed us to commandeer their upstairs function room and wavered the charge as it was for charity. Laura and I even chatted to a lovely local who flirted outrageously and told us of meeting Hemingway when he was younger - not too shabby. So yes if you're ever lurking about Fitzrovia, do pop in. You may even bump into me!

So big thank you to everyone who took part and to those who didn't: I think you'll find we're no longer friends on facebook.... ;-)

Oh yes and we made a sweet £130!

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