Saturday 19 May 2012

Fun fact Friday: Checkpoint 6 - Mocambique

Sun, sea and sand - we couldn't be happier to have our final checkpoint by the seaside! Although in Mozambique with its 2470kms of coastline it's not that hard to be by the sea. That being said Mozambique is pretty sizeable being just less than twice the size of California and 45% larger than France.

Capital is Maputo, which used to be known as Lourenco Marques during Potuguese rule.
President:Armando Guebuza
Popuation: estimated 19,686,505 


Mozambique became independent in 1975. The country was the scene of an intense civil war lasting from 1977 to 1992. During this period up to a million Mozambicans died from fighting and famine in a war that ruined the economy and much of the countryside. The country has been left with a legacy of landmines and amputees but 20 years on, we're sticking to the main roads and have been on holiday here before so I think we're safe!

Now for fun facts!
1) There are 147 airports in Mozambique, although only 22 have tar runways.
2) Not fun but interesting: February 2007 brought the worst flooding Mozambique had seen in six years, particularly along the Zambezi River where it burst its banks. Tens of thousands of people were displaced.
3) Natural gas is Mozambique's most important resource (after hydro-electrical power)
4) Mozambique has only one official language - Portugese
5) The country was named Moçambique by the Portuguese after the Island of Mozambique, derived from Musa Al Big or Mossa Al Bique or Mussa Ben Mbiki, an Arab trader who first visited the island and later lived there.

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