Friday 1 June 2012

Travelling hungover...

We’re going to do our best to try avoid this but one has to prepare for every eventuality. So, using this fantastic article on surviving travelling on a hangover that Lyn found on the Matador Network as a guide here's how we'll cope...

The hangover cometh.

Turner Wright on the Matador Network suggests:
1) The Spiritual Approach
Meditating in a hot spring is all well and good in Japan but we're going to have to find our own way to hangover enlightenment. Perhaps in the car, windows rolled up and a nice soothing water-sounds CD? Just the thought of this makes my gag reflex shudder so perhaps we'll move on to:
2) Playing on your Desire
Here Turner suggests that having someone that relys on you to get up, get going and be on form is one of the surest ways to make sure you face the day. Now this we can work with, although not in quite the way he meant. Let me tell you a little story - one fateful peninsula tour (a UCT fresher week institution that we did three years running) - Robs dragged me and Lyn on to the hottest bus in the world shouting "pain is weakness leaving the body". We've been friends a long time and seen each other at our worst so our carrying on won't be to save face, it'll be because someone is shouting "pain is weakness leaving the body" and there'll probably be prodding too.
3) Universal Quick Fix
Now this one we can definitely do. It might not be good for us in the long run but you've got to do what you've got to do. Red Bull (thanks Lyn for getting us several cans of sponsored wings) + Coke (not too difficult to find across Southern Africa) + headache pills (we already knew we had to buy these). With the sugar-rush and inevitable crash this concotion is likely to lead to we might have to do this in relays!
4) The Medical Front
If only an IV of saline solution was easy to come by this would be ideal. Unfortunately a) I'm not good with needles or b) a trained medical professional. Also, given our space limitations and that we're debating the necessity of three camping chairs I'm not sure we can rightly argue that we need a drip in the car. That's out then.
5) No Money Back
Now here's the kicker. We're running to a pretty tight schedule so we can't really beg off a day of travelling because we don't feel up to it. We'll have to keep rolling rolling rolling as they say. We've been wise though - there are no big travelling days after any checkpoints so hungover or not we're assured a few easy days where we can enjoy being on our big adventure and seeing some of the best things Southern Africa has to offer. Now that ain't half bad!

This is all just contingency planning of course because we won't be hungover. So there's nothing to worry about. 

1 comment:

  1. I have been catching up on your blog posts over breakfast this morning and am most amused - thank you! x
